SKODA Approved Repairs.
You love your SKODA. If you've had a crash, you can let GB Flint your Approved Accident Repair Centre with highly skilled technicians take care of it and make it as good as new. We use genuine parts and paint that made your SKODA so special when you bought it.
Every single crash repairer in the SKODA Approved Accident Repair network is trained in a full range of paint and body repair services, making it easy and convenient to keep your SKODA in damage-free condition. Estimates are free too, so you can give your insurer a repair quote with the authority of SKODA Approved body shop.
SKODA Crash Repair Guarantee.
When you collect your repaired SKODA, ask us for your SKODA Repair Guarantee certificate, to show your vehicle was repaired to the standard required in the network of SKODA approved repairers.
Here at GB Flint we strive to provide you with the highest quality customer service, and we are committed to ensuring this is delivered to you. We value your feedback, which helps us further improve the service that we provide, ensuring we don’t only have a happy customer, but also a happy SKODA.
So, if your SKODA is repaired by us, we want to hear from you. Ask us for your SKODA Customer Satisfaction Survey and let us know if we hit the mark for you.
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